Book cover design series Tempi Moderni / Codice Edizioni

Book cover design series Tempi Moderni for Codice Edizioni, project of the covers, grids, tipography system.

Identità visiva per le collana editoriale Tempi Moderni di Codice Edizioni, progetto delle copertine e delle gabbie interne dei libri.
Art direction 
Limiteazero + Cristina Chiappini
Giulia Flamini 

Codice Edizioni

Wins ED-Award 
2014 Gold
category: Book Cover

Target / Audience / Contest
Codice Edizioni is an Italian publisher mainly devoted to the scientific debate and its divulgation, their broad spectrum catalogue has been continuously growing in number and popularity for years but stubbornly preserving high quality selection as a cypher.

Project / Inspiration / Type
When we were commissioned to design the new identity of the covers Tempi Moderni, an economic editorial collection, we thought that the perfect book cover should be the point of convergence blending austerity, sensitivity, reverence for the text and, of course, marketing. Keeping this in mind we started working on the conceptual basis of the project, that it is “Codice” signified itself throughout the semantic value that this name takes in Italian: codex, code and rule.
Then we came up with the idea to use algorithmic structures (tilings, tessellations, and so on) with minimal use of color: black/white/red, laid down on a monochromatic background interrupted just by a squared area with title and the author’s name. So each book is characterized by a subject that will remain unique.