February = Fear
February = Fear
February = Fear fail / fancy / fault / fill / fade
February = Fear fail / fancy / fault / fill / fade
February = Fear fail / fancy / fault / fill / fade
February = Fear fail / fancy / fault / fill / fade
October = Obsession
October = Obsession
October = Obsession objective / omission / obligation / oblivion
October = Obsession objective / omission / obligation / oblivion
October = Obsession objective / omission / obligation / oblivion
October = Obsession objective / omission / obligation / oblivion
October = Obsession objective / omission / obligation / oblivion
October = Obsession objective / omission / obligation / oblivion

Texao / E-motion Calendar 2006

La progettazione del calendario nasce dal concetto astratto di poesia visiva, dove ogni elemento, spessore, angolo, diventano segno di interferenza per creare 12 tavole, interpretando il nome del mese attraverso un puro gioco di parole.

Texao è un’industria tessile le cui radici sono radicate nella tradizionale tessitura italiana, tipica della Toscana

The project calendar was born the concept of abstract visual poetry, where every performance, thickness, angle, sign of interference to create 12 tables, interpreting the month name across a pure play on words.

Texao is a textile manufacturer with its roots going back to the traditional Italian weaving typical of the Tuscan region.